Saturday, December 21, 2019

factors affecting the development of a child - 2014 Words

ANALYSE THE FACTORS THAT CAN AFFECT THE DEVELOPMENT OF BABIES IN THE FIRST YEAR OF LIFE. ‘Neuroses are only acquired during early childhood even though their symptoms may not make their appearance until much later. The events of the first year are of paramount importance for a child’s whole subsequent life’. (Freud, 1902) Regardless of age, nationality, gender or ethnicity every human has something in common; we are all born as babies. This essay will examine and research factors in depth in order to simplify the complicated process of identifying key factors including scientific data as well as theories and methods derived from experts of different fields. A diverse view will be analysed of the developing process in order to understand†¦show more content†¦Like all mammals, humans obtain life-sustaining nourishment through suckling and throughout the history of the human species; the only or primary source of nourishment for infants was breast milk which has many virtues (Newman, 1995). Alongside it also involves the necessary skin-to skin contact from the mother which gives the baby a feeling of warmth and security as well as strengthening the infant’s immune system. In spite of this, the majority of infants are still formula-fed predominantly in undeveloped countries where poor, une ducated parents often dilute the formula in an effort to make the expensive powder last longer. As a result, in such circumstances the parent’s attempts to promote the health of their babies end up having the opposite effect (Popkin and Doan, 1990) with later development of inadequate growth and physical deficiencies. And although every individual has a ‘blueprint’ for growth, but realisation of this growth potential is only possible if nutrient supplies in childhood are adequate (Jackson, 1996). From this it could again be inferred that situational factors such as poverty also have a detrimental effect on childhood development which is why low birth weight is more likely in children from lower socio economic groups. This has been exemplified from the recent case of Humzah khan whose mother starved him in a cot for 21 months and was more concerned about feeding her alcohol addiction in place of herShow MoreRelatedFactors Affecting The Development And Education Of A Child2283 Words   |  10 Pagesdifferent cultures that exist and have blended together within the society. Culture deals with the beliefs and practices of a people. Culture impacts educational beliefs, how a child learns and develops, as well as socioeconomic status. Socioeconomics impacts the resources and health of a child. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Health Problems From Alcohol Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays

string(141) " and intervention followups and sometimes they even losing the job imbibing in adult females because patients did n’t state the truth\." Patients are foremost come to primary attention for their organic structure strivings. Harmonizing to Starfield ( 1973 ) primary attention is a point of affecting in wellness attention system that has a duty to form patient attention for a clip period. There are some other wellness attention centres available in UK where patients measure in terrible unwellness when the assignment with GP is rather long. We will write a custom essay sample on Health Problems From Alcohol Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now In this essay we find out the troubles faces in covering with alcoholic patients in primary attention apparatuss. Harmonizing to Sobell ( 1996 ) the people received intervention of alcohol addiction through natural recovery are abundant. Harmonizing to the published therapy tests, the intervention in alcohol addiction is non effectual ( Chick et al. , 2002 A ; Edwards et al. , 1997 ) . As a psychodynamic position the people who consume intoxicant can imbibe it because they are experiencing comfy with it.There is a cognitive behavior hypothesis that, in initial phases intoxicant is drink to cut down the tenseness degrees. In European civilizations alcohol is used to cut down the tensenesss and it ‘s a thing of socialisation. Even after coming back from work, when a individual got tired he experience relaxed and tenseness relieved with a glass of intoxicant. But this continuity becomes a habbit and individual becomes dependant of intoxicant without cognizing this that he becomes an alcoholic. These individuals are hard to handle in primary attention as they are going a portion of it without even acknowledging it. There is a chief issue while covering with alcoholic patients in primary attention that is their age at which they start imbibing intoxicant. Harmonizing to Plato ( 1926 ) people can non imbibe before the age of 18 old ages and if they drink they have to take centrist imbibing up to the age of 40 old ages. In Project MATCH survey ( Fishbain A ; Cutler, 2005 ) they analysed the consequence of the intervention of alcohol addiction which was the most expensive clinical test. They used CBT ( Cognitive behaviour therapy ) to measure what people think sing intoxicant, the desires of people and more ( Nowinski et al. , 1999 ) .They were used the MET ( Motivation Enhancement Technique ) which gives information sing intoxicant jobs that motivate people for alteration ( Miller et al.,1999 ) . The TSF ( Twelve Step Facilitation ) was besides used which was grounded on rules of alcoholic anon. ( Kadden et al. , 1995 ) . They found no significant relationship between the curative intervention an d the participants ( Longabaugh A ; Wirtz, 2001 ) . In primary attention Centres there is another trouble in handling alkies is that the alkies are non tells the truth sing their intoxicant related jobs. An illustration of this was Rand survey gaining that 30 % of the alkies are non able to give sufficient information ( Polich et al. , 1981 ) , this besides put great consequence on the intervention. Why the patients throw off the clinical tests was assessed, in the undertaking MATCH survey and the grounds for this were their on the job times, they move from their places, their gestations and imbibing remittal. These are the grounds which affect the primary attention intervention but this is non with every instance ( Miller et al. , 2001 ) . Harmonizing to the undertaking MATCH the psychosocial intervention for the alkies are non plenty for them. In the medical field it is really common that patients are non stick to the intervention. Harmonizing to article by Caroll ( 1997 ) , 20 % patients withdraw from the programmes they have to set in, since they withdraw, so this ratio goes up at the terminal of that intervention ( Carroll, 1997 ) . Harmonizing to Sobel A ; Sobel ( 2000 ) participant ‘s willingness is really of import in intervention. In article, Early sensing and intervention of alcohol addiction in primary attention ( 2004 ) there was a conjecture that in US 1 in 5 males and 1 in 10 females who come to primary attention were patient of different types of alcohol addiction ( NIAAA,2000 ) . Because most of them did n’t desire to travel to alcohol intervention specializers so the primary wellness doctors have a opportunity and a responsibility to name their job and give intervention to them. But unhappily, the primary attention suppliers are frequently non willing or non able to manage these people. These findings are about the individuals sing primary attention GP ‘s, infirmary exigencies, traumatic wards and taking antenatal attention. In decision of this survey shows that the prevalence of jobs related to alcohol sing patients in primary attention are important ( Nathan A ; Peter, 2004 ) . Harmonizing to diary of the American academy of Family Physicians article ‘Problem Drinking and Alcoholism: Diagnosis and intervention ( Enoch A ; Goldman, 2002 ) less than 50 % of alcohol addiction oftenly remain undiagnosed in primary wellness attention. Some of the patients non give the proper information to the GP ‘s due to fear or dishonor. So the GP got less information sing the medical and psychological conditions and lost chance to handle the patient affectively. To happen out the pattern in intoxicant instances and it ‘s barriers in patients who drink at hazardous degrees, in Cape Town, a cross sectional study done with 50 GP ‘s ( General Practitioners ) in the twelvemonth 2004 A ; 2005. It was in the signifier of questionnaire of intoxicant related patterns and barriers in intercessions. The consequences were that in the past twelvemonth the GP ‘s proverb merely 11-13 patients sing alcohol addiction. Whereas 12 % GP ‘s idea that for cut downing the intoxicant consumption they could assist the patients in an effectual manner. 78 % GP ‘s said that with proper preparation and support they work more efficaciously. The decision of the survey was that GP ‘s wants to make intercession for alcohol addiction but they need more preparation for these intercessions. They require right support and intercession tools ( Koopman, et. al. , 2008 ) . Harmonizing to Chang, G. ( 1997 ) there is more jobs faced in placing and handling the lady patients in primary attention scenes. Because females more vulnerable to unfavorable effects of intoxicant than males. In primary attention apparatus there is brief reding and intervention followups and sometimes they even losing the job imbibing in adult females because patients did n’t state the truth. You read "Health Problems From Alcohol Health And Social Care Essay" in category "Essay examples" So sometimes they need the aid of head-shrinkers to happen out the job of job imbibing. So psychiatrist play indispensable function in discovery out the job imbibing in females and interfere, learn and work jointly with primary attention suppliers to diminish the morbidity and mortality of intoxicant. In the treatment paper, â€Å" Still a hard concern? Negociating alcohol-related jobs in general pattern audiences † , ( Rapley et al. , 2006 ) showed the experiences of GP ‘s while giving audiences to patients in jobs related to intoxicants. They have done a qualitative research in North East of England. Once qualitative interviews done with 29 GP ‘s sing their work with their patients on issues concerned with intoxicant. Then they conduct the interviews in groups- 1 with squad of primary attention and two with GP ‘s. In these interviews GP ‘s felt, until the individual felt that his/her ingestion of intoxicant was unsafe they could derive really less. The deficiency of clip and to work on so many other jobs and so many other patients, who were waiting for them, stopped General Practioners to pull off instances of hazardous drinkers. They compared their survey with Thom, B. et Al. ( 1986 ) which was done 20 old ages ago. They found that the troubles fa ced by GP ‘s are rather same as 20 old ages ago. In Mackenzie A ; Allen ( 2003 ) article, Alcoholic rating of alcohol addiction intervention, the participants were asked the name of the interventions to which they known for their rating. Most of them spoke Naltrexone. In farther analysation of naltrexone patients withdraw due to inauspicious effects of this ( Rohsenow et al. , 2000 A ; Drummond, 2001 ) .According to these findings the most good intervention was still a difficult issue. Some favours combination intervention i.e. Antabuse A ; alcohol anon. . Treatment with Antabuse was non utile as it was deleterious for wellness and non lasting. It was non sufficient to decide the job with detoxification. Group therapy was besides non plants and produce backsliding without after intervention attention and uninterrupted followups ( Mackenzie A ; Allan, 2003 ) . These are the conditions which influences the alky ‘s intervention in the primary attention. After re-assessing the information of undertaking MATCH it was found that ego efficaciousness was the predictor of imbibing behavior in alky ‘s intervention ( Witkiewitz et al. , 2007 ) . Whereas in old survey it was non forecast imbibing behavior. Harmonizing to Brownell et Al. ( 1986 ) intoxicant oversight is complex procedure. To foretell intoxicant dependance and its intervention the cusp calamity theoretical account used by Hufford et Al ( 2003 ) . They found two factors which are trusty for 50 % intoxicant ingestion. The sidelong factors which were responsible for backsliding were – holding no place, non proper followups, alky ‘s household background and terrible intoxicant dependance. There were some proximal factors besides which affect the alcohol addiction those were- mental province, mental hurt, dying place atmosphere. If the sidelong factors are more and proximal is less than patient may be imbibe lesser sum or even giving up the intoxicant and antonym happened in opposite state of affairs. The multimodality construct is another job in covering with alcoholic patients. In UK, Liverpool is on top, in instance of indoor instances of intoxicant in infirmaries. These are the intoxicant abuse instances which makes the primary attention intervention hard. For intoxicant maltreatment Liverpool is step in front from the North West and Warrington. More than 8 % of Liverpool ‘s population are imbibing upto the degree which affect their physical and mental health.28 % of males and 18 % of females drink up to deleterious degree in North West of England. The per centum of male and female death from intoxicant is 6.4 and 4.2. Around 3260 individuals die every twelvemonth because of intoxicant in UK and this ratio is more in North West ( William, 2007 ) A survey sing teenage and the use of intoxicant intervention services consequences that white adolescents got more alcohol interventions as comparison to others ( Wu et al.,2002 ) .The predictor of acquiring intervention services were drug use and hapless wellness position. The consequences are same as the other intoxicant intervention surveies done by Weisner ( 1993 ) A ; Windle et Al. ( 1991 ) Around 10 % grownups got intervention holding the job of alcohol addiction ( Grant, 1996 A ; Reiger et al. , 1993 ) . Gender is another factor which gives part in intoxicant intervention. For e.g. adult females were few who got alcohol intervention ( Grant, 1996 A ; Weisner, 1993 ) . There are few factors which inhibit the intervention of intoxicant which are -lack of occupation, low finance, non holding faith in intervention ( Grant, 1996, 1997 A ; Weisner, 1993 ) . Nielson observed intoxicant jobs and intervention with the patient ‘s position with the aid of an interview usher from 2-4 months. The jobs were seen with different positions. In cultural position individuals use intoxicant for socializing in society. Sometime there were some external force per unit areas are at that place in which individual diagnostic imbibing does, as in fiscal loses, matrimonial jobs etc. Sometimes there were internal facets besides like individual had experience had in childhood, psychological jobs etc. In pathological imbibing individual have dependence to imbibing. In comprehendible imbibing individual lost the control over himself. It was found from survey that there was less conformity rate ( O’Brien A ; McLellan, 1996 ) . Pilowsky et Al. ( 2009 ) found intoxicant dependance was a chief issue of wellness attention. Alcohol dependance was chiefly concerned with singular disablement A ; hapless mental wellness ( Hassin et al. , 2007 ) . Alcohol dependance was forecast by the events happened in childhood either treated or non treated ( Kessler, 1997 ; Dube, 2006 A ; Pilowsky, 2006 ) . Childhood events are the events happened before the kid is traveling to be 18 old ages. In the survey individual holding 1-2 unfavorable childhood events were 2-4 times thought themselves alkies. So this was an index that if there were frequent unfavorable childhood events so these were terrible forecasters of alcohol addiction upset. Socio demographic factors were besides kept in head in controlled samples. If a individual exposed to unfavorable events many times so it was much influential as comparison to expose to individual inauspicious event ( Kessler, 1997 ) . From the twelvemonth 1980-2000 McGovern ( 2002 ) written the intoxicant jobs intervention. The inhibiting constituent in intervention was the being of a definition of depicting intoxicant and drug issues. Lack of uninterrupted financess is another disadvantage in covering with intoxicant jobs. In Europe four European intervention bureaus studied the intervention of intoxicant and other drug upsets ( Riley, 2008 ) . There was an obstructor in informations aggregation which was used for hunt patients to cognize the alterations occurs in the intervention period. Because there may be relapse in some instances and the patient needs intervention once more. Because there was no contact so the patients once more went to worse status. The follow up techniques are proposed by Chesnut Health Centres ( Scott, 2004 ) . But these steps can non be low-cost by all intervention services. By analyzing the wellness services research in the intervention seting in pattern in intoxicant and drug maltreatment, McCarty ( 2000 ) found that it was a ambitious thing.He besides noticed, that antecedently, the clients were old white males. They had the other chronic jobs besides like- cirrhosis, craze etc. Whereas now these programmes are for childs from all races. It is found that if a individual taking other rough drugs along with intoxicant so this makes the intervention hard. Harmonizing to Boca A ; Nolls ‘s ( 2000 ) there is other job in intervention of intoxicant that in intoxicant surveies at that place has to be careful expression for decrease prejudices. There are so many factors which make hard in handling alkies. As in undertaking MATCH ( 1997 ) it was noticed that head-shrinkers have n’t sufficient understanding sing the alcohol addiction. Persons who have the jobs related to intoxicants are now a twenty-four hours ‘s able to retrieve from these jobs without the intervention and the literature is available on it ( Sobel, Cunningham A ; Sobel, 1996 ) . Spiritualism as recovery portion in the action of alcohol addiction besides reflects in individual ‘s recovery ( Kurt A ; Morgan, 2002 ) . In the country like alcohol addiction which is rather sensitive, the cross sectional study will non be the best thought. The longitudinal studies along with the timely follow ups are promoting and avoiding backslidings of alcohol addiction. Harmonizing to the American Society of dependence ( 1996 ) in the intervention of alcoholic individuals, Milieu therapy is besides good. This therapy helps in physical effects that are due to heavy imbibing or backdown of intoxicant. Psychotherapy is besides one of the of import mileposts in the intervention of alkies. The individuals who quits intoxicant should followed their follow ups on a regular basis. So that their betterment is continuously monitored. Harmonizing to a socio-cultural position, the individual is traveling to halt imbibing or maintain on go oning the same is depends on the individual ‘s character and his nucleus beliefs. Harmonizing to Martin et Al. ( 1999 ) article Pull offing alcohol- related jobs in the primary attention puting, they found that intoxicant jobs were the of import cardinal factor of morbidity and mortality in America and because of refusal and opposition to intervention by the household of patients and patients itself, made sensing hard. Everyday showings of intoxicant of every patient may assist the primary attention supplier to happen out and give intervention to alcohol maltreatment patients. However in intoxicant related jobs chief end of patients are abstinence but less consumption is besides fruitful and gained by concise primary attention intercessions. The direction of outpatient detoxification chiefly given by primary attention apparatuss but needs careful opinion of support system of patient, close supervising and good medical specialty support. In the Journal article, Between desperation and hope: Health services research on intervention of intoxicant maltreatment ( 2002 ) , McCarty Dennis bring into notice, the troubles comes in analyzing the intervention services in intoxicant and drug maltreatment. It is because of these jobs, the individuals who are policy shapers and suppliers of probes could reluctant to give induction to surveies. However the Alcohol services research is rather tough and we are halfway mediate despair of intoxicant and the recovery hope ( Dennis, M. , 2000 ) . Harmonizing to the survey done by Ferguson et Al. ( 2003 ) in their journal article, Barriers to designation and intervention of risky drinkers as assessed by urban/rural primary physicians, this pilot survey found three hurdlings faced by 40 household physicians when they treat the alcoholic patients. In this the Physician centred class considered job was, the patient backdown and holding deficiency of motive to alter. The system centred class considered, losing of community resources and far off from intervention plans. The patient centred barriers were more than the physician and patient centred classs. The debatable barriers were depended on the location of practise i.e. rural or urban and the past clip period of physician preparation. However early the intervention is more effectual if alcohol addiction is detect at early phase. It is greatly accepted that doctors in primary attention oftentimes fail to name intoxicant jobs. In this computerized survey an alcoholic patient was used for primary attention doctors for naming alcohol addiction. Out of 95 doctors, 32 % diagnosed the job others made different psychiatric diagnosings chiefly anxiety or depression. So harmonizing to this survey there was a great demand for extra instruction for primary attention doctors to name alcohol addiction. Harmonizing to Magruder-Habib, K. ( 1991 ) the intoxicant jobs are really common in the patients who come to primary attention but frequently non detected and treated. Although the methods of diagnose are reviewed in footings of complete history, trials in research lab and the physical scrutiny. For everyday usage of primary attention doctors CAGE questionnaire and Michigan Alcoholism Screening trials are advised. These instruments are more sensitive than the research lab tests entirely. Because if the patient job is detected at earlier phase than it would be cure early and it is less cost effectual besides an acceptable to the patient. By seeing all the pros and cones of this essay the major troubles comes in primary attention apparatuss while covering with alkies are as follows: First of all the patient came to primary attention did non state the truth about their imbibing wonts. It may be due to fear or dishonor. So the GP did n’t cognize the exact sum of imbibing and this will set great impact on intervention. Second in primary attention setups GP ‘s has to cover with figure of patients, and these alcoholic and patient related to mental wellness jobs require more clip for audience, which is non possible in primary attention. That ‘s why sometimes these jobs are missed in primary attention apparatuss. Third GP ‘s have non plenty preparation to name alcohol addiction and to cover with alkies. They require right support and intercession tools to name alcohol addiction. How to cite Health Problems From Alcohol Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Marketing and social Engagement

Question : Difference Between Marketing and Engagement ? Answer : Introduction The current report revolves around the marketing plan of the Angels of Beauty Australia. It is evident that every industry has become dynamic in terms of needs and economy. Due to this changing needs and economy, the organization in each industry has to think of a developed plan for addressing the upcoming challenges or shaping the market for further growth. However, though the effective marketing plan provides the better outcome to the organization, it is necessary for the firms to implement the plans effectively. When it comes to salon and spa industry people tend to enjoy pampering especially when feeling low, which is the basic reason that keeps the salon and spa industry strong at the time good and bad economic times. The current report provides a developed marketing plan with significant social media content for Angels of Beauty Australia, which is an established firm running their services for long time. The firm has the capability to invest on social media to increase the mar ket share. Background of the organization Angels of Beauty has been running its operation successfully for a couple of years providing glamorous hair and beauty services under the direction of celebrity hairdresser. In 2009 salon strengthened its market in the market and opened up the outlets in Brisbane and today the firm has been found in the prestigious locations throughout Melbourne, Sydney, Gold Coast and other places. The organization has large market share due to its increasing number of customers across the country. The firm offers an increasing range of services including the hairdo, hair spa, styling, color and many more. Due to its tremendous quality of products and services, the firm has acquired multiple awards since 2008 (Sandlin, 2014). In the last year, the firm has been selected as the AHFA VIC hairdresser of the year finalist. Marketing team The marketing team of Oscan Oscal Salons includes Modern Marketing Team Leader/Editor, community manager, Contributor, Designer, Analytics, SEO/SEM specialist and Outside Expert (Coleman, Wu Luther, 2014). The members holding each position play different role to make the plan succeed with the goals and objectives. The marketing team leader develops the content strategy, content production, goal setting and metrics and determines the team performance. The community manager distributes the content while involving the customers as well as prospects holding a great responsibility. Likewise, the content manager plays the role of the engaging employees, particularly the salespeople, who know the customers needs and demands. On the other hand, SEO/SEM specialists could provide recommendation and guidance for the social media content strategies for the developed product. Product and service As the discussed earlier, the firm has developed multiple category of services including style cutting, which has sub-category, styling, Retexturising, add length and thickness, color, highlighting, rituals and many more. Likewise, the Angel of Beauty has multiple types of products Redken, Kerastase, paris, Aveda, SHU UEMURA, GHD, Showpony and many more. However, as the market share of the firm is increasing, the customer demands are also increasing. Therefore, the firm needs to the think of developing a new product and create awareness among the customers through social media, as social media helps to reach the wide market. However, before developing the product, the firm needs to learn about needs and demands of the customers by social media. Figure 1: Products and services of Angel of Beauty (Source: Angels of Beauty, 2017) A market analysis (Including direct and indirect competitors) It is observed that as Angels of Beauty has been running its operation over decades, the firm has strengthened its position in the market. As put forward by Taylor et al., (2014), Australian hair salon industry include about 40,000 establishments including beauty and barbershops with the annual revenue of around AUS$ 12 bn. The demand is driven by demographics as well as population growth. On the contrary, the profit of individuals depends on the technical expertise as well as marketing skills. The large organizations remain active in the economic scale in purchasing and marketing, whereas the small firm could compete successfully by offering superior service at the favorable locations. As stated by Rybowska (2014), the Australian salon industry is highly fragmented and almost 20 largest companies including the Angel of Beauty generate about 15% of the revenue. The revenue growth is predicted to increase over the next five years, growing at an average annual rate of 3.2% to $34.8 bn by 2019. This could be driven by the increases in per capital disposals income and declining unemployment over the five-year period. As opined by Kucukusta and Guillet (2014), the higher disposal income would lead the hair salon customers to spend more on higher-value service such as manicures, pedicure, hair modification treatments. Similarly, the industry profit is expected to increase to see gains, which would encourage more new business to get into the industry. Profits have maximized from 1.9% in 2009 to 5.9% in 2016. It is further identified that continued profits would be more fundamentally because of the increased sales of higher value products. Direct competitors- Though Angels of Beauty have been performing its operation over a long period; the presence of large firms such as The Grooming Room, Dolce Hair Extension International, Bouquet Garter put the pressure on Angels of Beauty. Indirect competitors- Unlike the direct competitors, the indirect competitors of Angels of Beauty are the suppliers that provide the firm the necessary products. The demands of indirect competitors are high as the establishment of the hair shops are increasing in Australia. PESTLE analysis Political environment- When it comes to hair salon and spa industry, there is a little way in the trade restriction as well as the tariff to be considered. Many employees within the organization are the significant part and the government is paying attention to the parents to bring them back to work for the development of employment (Mohamed, 2014). Therefore, it can be mentioned that salon and health spa industry observes an increasing number of workers. Figure 1: PESTLE analysis of Salon Industry, Australia (Source: Sihancova, 2014) Economic environment- When it comes to economic environment, some key areas are such as inflation rate, interest rate and general economic downturn. The salons and spa industry are usually considered luxury products; thereby, when there is an economic downturn, the number of economic downturn, the number of customers would probably reduce. As stated by Grbz, Albayrak and Alaybeyo?lu (2014) when the individuals have the less disposal income because of the high inflation levels they would be less inclined spend money on the luxury items. Moreover, the current economic climate is relatively weak as well as individuals are not in the sufficient state of wealth to spend large amount on their hair spa treatment. Therefore, Angels of Beauty would have to rely on the premium customers such as high-income people and celebrities. Socia-cultural- It is observed that socio cultural presents a much more positive outlook. In the context of hair salon and spa industry, the organizations are doing extremely well with an increasing number of young women carving lucrative careers. There is an increasing demand for health and spa facilities. As opined by Paul and Bihani (2014), there is an increasing demand from the older people for health spa and hair treatment as well as increasing ability by these individuals having the ability to afford such treatments. Thus, these changing demands could lead to the substantial diversification. Technology- As discussed in the earlier part of the report, the consumer demand of the customers in hair salon and spa industry especially in the area of health and beauty. In addition, there is an increasing demand for health spa to make sure that not only they have the latest technology; they also have the trained staff members. Legal- While considering the hair salon and spa, it is not surprising that health and safety legislations could be plentiful as well as restrictive. Therefore, it is necessary for the organizations in this industry to comply with the fundamental health and safety regulations. Therefore, when Angels of Beauty is in the need of innovation, they could utilize the platform of social media. However, it has to comply with the regulations of online trade. Environmental- While considering the environmental issues, it is necessary for the salons to focus on the factors that determine the success of the business. The companies should consider the environmental issues with which it should comply. In the case of health spa, this would probably be in respect to dangerous substance such as message oils as well as cleaning chemicals. SWOT analysis The SWOT analysis covers the key strength and the weaknesses within the organization as well as describes the opportunities and the threats faced by Angels of Beauty. Strength v Tremendous retail space in well-travelled mall v Well-trained staff with good hair cutting skills with an increasing style repertoire and customer-focused business practice v The staff at Angels of Beauty have the industry experience as the customers of Angels of Beauty are usually the celebrities v A wide range of services offered v Competitive price Weakness v As Angels of Beauty tend to use the premium pricing strategies, the people with low and middle income cannot take the service of the shop. This affects the customer base of the firm. v The firm has to struggle to appear continually on the edge in respect of fashion and style v Lack of social media engagement v Increasing competitors in the industry v Suppliers power high in the industry Opportunities v A steady growing market could be traditionally unaffected by the economic environment v The firm could gain the ability to minimize marginal fixed costs as the customer base increase v Proper involvement in social media could help the firm to attract the target customers from the remote area v Threats v The firm has the tough competition from already established firms v Frequent change in the traffic pattern as they relate to the mall where the Angels of Beauty is located Table 1: SWOT analysis (Source: Taherdoost, Sahibuddin Jalaliyoon, 2014) Marketing research and information The market research and the information found regarding the hair salon industry in Australia indicate that the firm has to face a state of competition and the buying patterns of the customers. Traditional barbers- The traditional barbers rarely serve the appointments; it is usually a walk in service. When the barbers are usually willing to provide whatever cut the people are interested, as they usually provide straight-forward haircuts. Therefore, they are not the big concerns for Angels of Beauty. Franchised Quick Salons- This category may involve the Supercuts or the best cut. This is the franchised version of other salon. However, the customer bases of type of firm are comparatively less. Consumer behavior analysis It is identified that people having the high income tend to prefer to use the luxury items offered by the salons. However, due to economic downturn in the country, a large percentage of the customers have become reluctant towards the luxury services provided by the hair salons and spas. Nevertheless, the premium customers have the tendency to select the premium products. Target market- The organization Angels of Beauty would focus on target three different market segments when it comes to sell its products and services. Men- Men could typically make 75% of the customers as they have shorter requiring a faster and simpler job Women lacking the ability to afford an upscale salon-Apart from the premium customers, the salon should provide the services that they could afford. This could help the firm to increase the customer base. However, as Angels of Beauty may not be successful in offering the upscale service for the women in affordable price as it has built the reputation with the premium clients. Teenagers- It is evident that trends are widely embraced by the teenagers whenever a new trend comes in the appearance. Therefore, besides the celebrity section, the brand could develop the products and services for the teenagers. This could be much easier to promote as a large percentage of teenagers spend a huge time on the social media. They can easily be accessed. Marketing plan (4ps) of analysis of the product and branding Products- The organization should develop a service, which includes four different items in single package. Thus, this 4 in one service includes Cosmetic Tattooing/ Eyebrow threading and shapping, waxing, spray tanning, skin treatment. This new service would bring more customers if the customers awareness are treated with the help of social media. Figure: 4ps marketing (Source: Mohamed, 2014) Price- The pricing strategy of this service would be based on the competitive pricing model with other similar service providers. Promotion- On the first purchase of the service, the customers would be provided with the discount of the 20%. In addition to this, the service would be promoted through the social media platforms. A new web page including the content of the service would be launched on facebook, Twitter, YouTube. Place- The outlet or store should be located in crowded part or the downturn of the city. Thus, they customers do not have to travel a lot find the shop. Distribution options- All AOBs products and services would be dispensed from its centrally located stores Outline of Integrated Marketing Communication plan (IMC)- The success of the new service would be placed to customers or the customers would be communicated mainly through the social media as it would help to reach the wide market including the remote areas. The organization should develop an advertising content or the video featuring the content of the services. The video featuring the content would be shared on each poplar social media platform such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and other commercial sites. In addition, with the help of B2B marketing strategy, Angel of Beauty salon could share the video and advertising content on the online retail sites. This would be costly and the firm may have to make large investment. Importance of social media marketing for hair salons It is a known fact that many of the customers or people are on social media platforms. Thus, the marketers have the reasons to promote their products and services through social media. It is observed that each social media platform has its own way of communicating with the users. As put forward by Roy, Maxwell and Carson (2014) retargeting the past customers that might not have done business with the firm for a while, the customer base can be increased. However, as the customer acquisition as well as increased exposure would be the primary focal area of the social media efforts. Facebook- Facebook is absolute necessity for every business owner and it is not only for the stylist and for salons. The salon owners are usually not o facebook; thereby, they should open a business accounting right away. It helps to stay in front of the current customers as well as enhance retention. It definitely helps to gain exposure. Twitter- Undoubtedly, the power of Twitter is highly underrated. It is a common fact that most of the customers are not on Twitter; however, the folks on Twitter are social media power users and they express their feelings online. In addition, the people of top stage of the society like celebrities mostly use Twitter. Thus, Salon could receive the popularity if one of the celebrities pays a visit after seeing the promotion on Twitter. YouTube: YouTube is one of the largest video sharing platforms used by billion of people around the world. Thus, showing the content on YouTube could be a great opportunity for Angel of Beauty to acquire customers. Recommendation- Share relevant posts that engage customers- Angel of beauty could post that customers want to respond to and prefer giving their opinions on. An effective example will be to ask question like Summer is coming! What will be your summer hair cut of choice. Figure: An example sharing content on Facebook (Source:, 2017) Post picture and lots of them- One of the smart ways of doing this business could use Facebook as a visual medium. Angel of Beauty should be displaying the work that is most proud of. The pictures should include the holiday themed manicure or gorgeous party hairstyle and the picture of the outlet to show the best it could do. Figure: A post of Hair Style on Facebook (Source:, 2017) Providing justification for the recommendation It is necessary to promote the business to get increasing number of customers. As the firm is the in the need of accessing the wide audience, it needs to rely on the social media. Social media undoubtedly is a wide platform engaging millions of people. Thus, the firm has to post the pictures of the products and services to steal the attention of the users. In addition, as there have been millions of users, the firm will be able to learn the new demands and needs by the sharing the posts. Social media is one the tremendous platform to display that Angel of Beauty follows the trends to satisfy the needs. Thus, the users would learn the services that are stealing attention of people around the country. Financial and operational plan Number of activities Budget Store Front display AUD$ 5000 Plain Dealer advertisement AUD$ 8000 Products and services AUD$ 8000 Advertisement- Video to share on social media AUD$ 24000 Skilled employee to offer the service AUD$ 5000 Total AUD$ 50000 Table 2: Financial Plan Implementation and control strategy Implementation plan- Service requirement- The organization needs to buy the items for offering the 4 in one service, which include Cosmetic Tattooing/ Eyebrow threading and shapping, waxing, spray tanning, skin treatment. The high quality products of waxing and spray tanning should be bough that has no side effect on the skin. Service implementation details- Before offering the service to customers, the workers should be trained by highly professional experts who have industry experience. No. of activities Time Developing the advertising video with models and celebrities It would take a week A web page featuring the video should be developed It would take a month Selection of social media platform- YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Netflix It would take a week Popularity of the advertising content should be measured weekly- Likes, comments and other feedbacks It would take almost two month Further enhancement of the page and video content It would take a month Contingency planning-(Risk and difficulties) Issues generating enough sales through the week An expected slow first and second quarter that could have a significant effect on cash flow Road construction near the store would have a significant effect on consumer traffic Control strategy- The purpose of the marketing plan is to serve as the guide for achieving success meeting the objectives. Thus, the following areas should be treated carefully to gauge the performance. Revenue: Monthly and Annually Expense: Monthly and Annually Repeat business Customer satisfaction Strategy evaluation Reference list: Angels of Beauty. (2017).Angels of Beauty. Retrieved 4 January 2017, from Chan, J. M., Yazdanifard, R. (2014). How social media marketing can influence the profitability of an online company from a consumer point of view.Journal of Research in Marketing,2(2), 157-160. Coleman, L. J., Wu, P. L., Luther, R. (2014). Hair-brained or great-hair business?: Assessing alternative markets and product-service designs for successful startups by small-retail entrepreneurs.Journal of Business Research,67(6), 1136-1144. Grundn, K., Lagrosen, S. (2014). Social Media Marketing: A Win-win Situation. InProceedings of European Conference on Social Media(pp. 201-207). Grbz, T., Albayrak, Y. E., Alaybeyo?lu, E. (2014). 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Measuring spa-goers preferences: A conjoint analysis approach.International Journal of Hospitality Management,41, 115-124. Mohamed, A. B. P. (2014).Marketing dilemma: ai confinement spa case study(Doctoral dissertation, School of Entrepreneurship and Business, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan). Olamilekan, O. A., Dastane, O. (2014). Employee Emotional Competency in Establishing Consumer Satisfaction and Loyalty: Mediate Role of Rapport in Malaysia Spa and Beauty industry. Paul, T., Bihani, P. (2014). Expectation Based Customer Oriented Marketing Mix-A Conceptual Framework.International Journal of Research and Development-A Management Review (IJRDMR),3(1), 53-60. Perloff, R. M. (2014). Social media effects on young womens body image concerns: Theoretical perspectives and an agenda for research.Sex Roles,71(11-12), 363-377. Pirozhnik, I. (2014). Services of sanatorium and spa treatment in the tourist product of Belarus.Tourism role in the regional economy, 224. Prieler, M., Choi, J. (2014). Broadening the scope of social media effect research on body image concerns.Sex Roles,71(11-12), 378-388. Marketing and Social Engagement Question: Discuss about theMarketing and Social Engagement. Answer: Introduction The aim of this report is to utilise marketing theories and consider Disneyland Theme Parks for the next potential destination, Dubai. The theme park has been a great success and stepping stone in the Hong Kong Market (Kweh Cohen, 2016). This report provides a brief background of Disneyland Worldwide. Further, the Dubai market environment is analysed by identifying the potential target markets. The lessons learned from the Hong Kong market is presented so that they are not repeated in future expansion destinations. A SWOT analysis is undertaken if Disney enters the Dubai market. The 7P marketing mix strategy is adopted for making recommendations. Background Walt Disney Parks and Resorts Worldwide, Inc was founded in 1945 (Higgins Huque, 2014). It is responsible for building and managing companys vacation resorts and theme parks with a leisure orientation. Disney has its theme park launched in three destinations. Disney launched its theme park in Hong Kong in the year 2005 which was a joint venture between Walt Disney Company and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Higgins Huque, 2014). Dubai Market Environment The UAE is becoming a holiday destination that welcomes 5.5 million visitors annually (Picsolve 2015). According to Barnard (2016), Abu Dhabi and Dubai are ready for investing in theme parks. Dubai government is ready to increase its tourist visit to 20 million from 13.2 million by 2020 (Barnard 2016). With the competitive landscape, Dubai is making efforts and capital investment to increase the amount of attractions. UAE is a home to wealthy citizens and their luxurious spending habits make adventurous park a lucrative industry. The potential target market is children and adults aged 0-25 (Barnard 2016). Lessons Learned from Previous Mistakes According to the case study, Tokyo Disneyland provided a false sense of security for overseas expansion when it duplicated its American theme in 1983. Euro Disney in Paris created sensitivity issues as the French culture was completely ignored by Disney. The theme park was also accused of exporting the American culture into Europe. The dress code and management style was also American. The language, pricing of tickets, alcohol consumption issues also damaged its brand reputation in Paris. Therefore, it is learned that Disney must gel with the culture while creating the theme park. It is noticed that the theme park in Hong Kong considers Feng Shui highly important as the people consider it to create harmony between earth and humanity. Traditional and customary practices are conducted all over the park. Disney takes numbers, colours and even food based on Hong Kong culture. Hence, the key lesson learned is that Disney must gel with the local culture it expands the operations in (Buzind e, Choi, Wang, 2012). SWOT Analysis Strengths Disney has a reputed brand image that would boost Dubai adventure industry. Disney has a nourishing business and is the highest revenue generating theme parks. Weaknesses The target audience of Disney is children and there is a need to diversify target market (Dong Siu, 2013). The theme has been a failure in Paris leading to brand damage that could affect Dubai market. Opportunities There is a great scope of market development in Dubai. There is great employment opportunity involved in Dubai with the creation of theme park. Threats Localization is a significant threat as the venture may fail if it does not meet the culture. The political intervention of Dubai may cause hindrance in development of theme park. Recommendations The marketing mix strategy can be used for Dubai as under: Marketing Mix Description Product A theme park, water park and golf course can be used in the Disney entertainment complex. Clothing and accessories for children may also be offered (Hyun et al., 2016). Price Premium pricing strategy may be applied as Dubai has wealthy citizens. The products and services may be positioned as luxurious. Discount pricing approach can be applied for bundle deals or annual pass holders. Further, ticket prices can be altered as dynamic pricing approach while managing the crowd. Place The theme park shall be huge and the location must be chosen in a manner that must have abundant space for different themes. Promotion Targeting kids and adults, Disney can run promotions throughout the year through print media, television, internet and travel agencies. Physical Evidence The architecture, infrastructure, signage, ride experience, atmosphere and taglines are the elements of physical evidence that can be used in Dubai. Disney must put efforts to make the experience of visitors magical. People The employees shall be well trained, courteous and provide excellent service to the visitors. They must be capable of educating the consumers and providing them with maps so that it is convenient for them. The employees must be efficient to manage crowd of thousands of people regularly (Tsang et al., 2012). Process The people can directly visit the park and buy tickets at the counter. Additionally, online booking can be made available for park entry, dining or accommodation facilities. Conclusion Conclusively, Disney must adopt with the UAE culture to ensure success. The lessons learned from the blunders of Paris must not be repeated in Dubai or any other international market. The theme park operators must also keep a check on the positioning and effectiveness of the marketing strategies applied. The strategies can be modified as and when required. The elements must be consistent while creating trust and loyalty among its visitors. Pricing can be adjusted based on the crowd. References Barnard, L. (2016).UAE looks to capitalise on all the fun of theme parks | The Retrieved 6 December 2016, from Buzinde, C., Choi, Y., Wang, A. (2012). Tourism Representations of Chinese Cosmology: The Case of Feng Shui Tourism.Annals Of Tourism Research,39(2), 975-996. Dong, P. Siu, N. (2013). Servicescape elements, customer predispositions and service experience: The case of theme park visitors.Tourism Management,36, 541-551. Higgins, C. Huque, A. (2014). Public Money and Mickey Mouse: Evaluating performance and accountability in the Hong Kong Disneyland joint venture publicprivate partnership.Public Management Review,17(8), 1103-1123. Hyun, K. H., Min, A., Kim, S. J., Lee, J. H. (2016). Investigating cultural uniqueness in theme parks through finding relationships between visual integration of visitor traffics and capacity of service facilities. International Journal of Architectural Computing, 14(3), 247-254. Kweh, J. Cohen, J. (2016).Hong Kong Disneyland: when big business meets feng shui, superstition and numerology. Retrieved from Picsolve,. (2015).UAEs Attraction and Theme Park Industry. Retrieved from Tsang, N., Lee, L., Wong, A., Chong, R. (2012). THEMEQUALAdapting the SERVQUAL Scale to Theme Park Services: A Case of Hong Kong Disneyland.Journal Of Travel Tourism Marketing,29(5), 416-429.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thomson Defense of Abortion free essay sample

In this paper I will discuss the relevance of J. J. Thomson’s argument in her article, A Defense of Abortion, to that of pregnancy reduction and if there is any relevance, if there are exceptions or situations where that might change. J. J. Thomson’s argument in A Defense of Abortion is that the one thing a person has rights to is his/her body and the right to control what happens with it. Thomson also states that there is an innate desire and need for self-preservation that we all have that must additionally be considered. To support her argument, Thomson uses the example of a violinist where an unconscious violinist would only stay alive if you were constantly attached to him to compensate for his fatal kidney ailment. She states, â€Å"If he is unplugged from you now, he will die: but in nine months he will have recovered from his ailment, and can safely be unplugged from you†. We will write a custom essay sample on Thomson Defense of Abortion or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Her premise is that a person’s right to life does not include the right to use another person’s body and so by unplugging the violinist you do not violate his right to life or deprive him of the use of your body – to which he has no right. Another example Thomson uses to make her argument is that opponents use that abortion is â€Å"directly killing a child† therefore killing an innocent person is morally wrong however, â€Å"letting a person die† as in the case of the mother’s life being at risk would not be directly killing them. Thomson supports that this does not give the mother’s life the same status as the unborn child’s life and ignores her natural tendency for self-preservation. In the article The Two Minus One Pregnancy, pregnancy reduction is explained as having a multiple child pregnancy reduced at least one child, meaning they actually decide to kill one of the babies while still in the mothers stomach, whether that be for health or other reasons. J. J. Thompson’s arguments can all be applied to the discussion of pregnancy reduction since they could all be from the same situations as a single pregnancy. Whether the pregnancy was by choice or not the argument of Thompson’s that an individual has sole rights to their body and no person or group should assert that they have more right over another person than that person has over their self. In pregnancy reduction the same arguments that Thomson uses would apply especially concerning her example of finding yourself trapped in a tiny house with a growing child in it and that you would be crushed to death but the child would not be crushed to death if allowed to continue growing. She concludes that it would not be a bystander’s decision to decide who lives or dies but that you have the right to attack to save your own life. This is pertinent because pregnancy reduction requires a medical procedure, therefore involves a third party, a bystander, that you are asking to help you in your own self defense and because multiple pregnancy is most often a higher risk to the mother as well as the child. She states that both parties are innocent here and â€Å"the person threatened† can interfere even if it requires a third party to assist her. What a third party might do in response to a woman’s request for an abortion could vary and they have that right however no third party should stop a woman from defending â€Å"her life against the threat to it posed by the unborn child even if doing so involves its death. Thomson goes on to say that the mother has more rights than the child because the â€Å"mother owns the house† and therefore more rights than a renter. One difference that would be the most obvious is that it seems highly unlikely that a person would seek an abortion if they went through the time and expense of attempting to become pregnant by means of artificial insemination or other means of medically intentionally becoming pregnant. Even with this significant difference, it could be argued that a person might desire to not have more than one child at a time even though they â€Å"intentionally† got pregnant. Therefore, Thompson’s arguments still apply in these cases. There is no difference morally on abortion of a singleton pregnancy or a multiple pregnancy that would apply with Thomson’s arguments because those that supported the belief that any abortion was killing would use the same argument for â€Å"killing† one fetus and keeping one. Additionally, those that supported the woman’s right to make decisions about her own body or health would still use those claims in a woman’s right to choose whether or not she had the right to a pregnancy reduction. In conclusion, Thomson’s argument, in A Defense of Abortion, that the one thing a person has rights to is his or her body and the right to control what happens with it and to fight for self-preservation would not change at all if those same arguments were applied to a pregnancy reduction situation.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Henry David Thoreaus Philosophical Ideas essays

Henry David Thoreau's Philosophical Ideas essays Henry David Thoreau is famous as one of the greatest living American Transcendentalist authors of the 19th century. Unlike Ralph Waldo Emerson, Thoreau is famous for putting Emerson's Transcendentalist principles of self-reliance into action. Self-reliance and an immediate, human experience of nature and the natural world as spiritually beneficial were some of the core ideals of both the movement and of Thoreau's own personal One of the reasons Thoreau embarked upon his famous experiment of living in the woods, was to prove to himself that even in an increasingly complex industrial society such as the newly formed rail-road crossed, post- industrialized America, one was still able to live with one's hands. Thoreau advocated a simpler life, boiled down to life's most basic necessities and based upon the rhythms of daily life rather than the rhythms of commerce. Rather than mediating one's spirituality through a church, Transcendentalists believed that nature was the best teacher of God and the greater, spiritual and inner life of human kind. Thus, by living in and appreciating nature, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, Thoreau hoped to achieve a better connection with his own spirituality and As so much of the basis of Thoreau's life and writings came from the sense of self-reliance he gained in nature, the importance of a healthy relationship with the natural environment is also critical to Thoreau's writings. Unlike many of his Transcendentalist colleagues, Thoreau did not believe in gazing at nature with a hazy, sentimental eye of mere appreciation. Rather, he believed in acknowledging nature's power, beauty, and also occasionally terrible and cruel behavior with respect. Thoreau believed that nature was not something to be preserved to help farmers and those whose lives depended upon it. Rather, nature was something that must ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Interpretation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Interpretation - Essay Example 99-117). To understand the relationship between cultural aspects in the global environment and the economic sector, this paper will analyze and interpret the Japanese culture and its influence on the global economics through a focus on the global sushi boom. Sushi is a Japanese food that consists of cooked vinegared rice combined with other ingredients. Sushi is often combined with seafood, vegetables and fruits of various kinds. The food can either be prepared with a brown or white rice, but usually combined with raw seafood. The original sushi was first made in Japan along Mekong River, with the word sushi meaning, â€Å"sour testing† in Japanese dialect. Other than being food for the Japanese, sushi has hit the global market and can be treated as a case of culturally oriented food that is economically sold due to its orientation to a particular culture (Rumi, 2011, pp. 99-117). In 1960’s and 70’s, the global sushi boom hit the American market and quickly spread to many parts of the world. With the increased association of the food to the Japanese culture, most people who wished a test of the Japanese culture favored the sushi making the food a market viable product. Currently, there are sushi restaurants in most cities of Europe, Asia, Russia, India and in the Latin America. An increased number of Japanese restaurants overseas have in the past led to high profile media coverage of the success of the Japanese culture overseas in the country. However, with the glory of the success of the sushi, Japan has in the recent past attempted to certify genuine sushi overseas, a move that is seen by other nations as Japan attempt to create a â€Å"sushi police†. The development of sushi, which is a culturally oriented food to a global commodity, has given Japan pride and challenges with equal measure. In Japan, following the success of the product in 1960’s, they developed a popular